According to the US National Park Service, there has been a steep decline in the number of living ash trees within the National Capital Region, which includes many parts of Northern Virginia. This sharp decline has begun to affect forests and landscapes throughout the region, which is why it is important to protect the ash trees in your landscape.
In order to identify whether the species of trees in your landscape are ash, you’ll need an expert arborist. Even further, you’ll need a professional affordable tree service in case your ash trees are found to have disease or pest infestation. At Timber Works Tree Care, we are both experts in arboriculture and tree care, providing services such as land clearing, tree removal, and tree trimming to clear out any signs of infestation in your landscape.
Below, we discuss the reasons ash trees are in decline and how it may be solved through new developments from their genetics:
Is There A Threat To Ash Trees?
In short, yes. Currently, several species of ash tree are highly-susceptible to Emerald Ash Borer beetles, more commonly referred to as EAB, as well as a fungal infestation known as ash dieback.
According to Science Daily, research shows that EAB alone has killed hundreds of ash trees in the US alone, while similar ash species in Europe are undergoing an epidemic of ash dieback. Fearing the effects of both EAB and ash dieback on ecosystems across the planet, researchers and scientists are currently studying ways to deal with both threats.
While studies are ongoing for ways to prevent dieback, a significant development has occurred regarding methods to save American ash trees from EAB-related death.
The Resistance Genes Among Ash Tree Species
The same article from Science Daily further states that researchers found European species of ash tree to be more resistant to EAB than those found in North America. They did this by testing over 20 species of ash trees, hatching eggs attached to tree bark and observing their development.
As we mention here, the main threat of EAB infestations is in the insects laying eggs within an ash tree’s bark. Once they hatch, the larvae consume much of the inner tissues of the tree, impeding its ability to transport water and nutrients where it needs to go.
After comparing the genes of susceptible species to resistant species, the researchers found 53 resistant genes, many of them affecting the tree’s production of chemicals that are harmful to insects.
Why is This Good News For Your Ash Trees?
These developments can help produce a breed of ash trees that are resistant to EAB infestations. This means that forests can eventually be restored, and more importantly, that EAB populations will decrease and save the ash trees within your landscape.
Timber Works Tree Care: Affordable Tree Service in Winchester, VA
Of course, while the research on this breakthrough is still being done, the issues of EAB remain. In order to ensure that the ash trees within your landscape are safe, hire an expert in tree care who can find signs of EAB or ash dieback infestations.
At Timber Works Tree Care, we are not only experts in diagnosing the presence of diseases and pests, but we also provide the skilled affordable tree service necessary to get rid of them or the trees they infest from your property.
Contact us at (540) 692-9606 to schedule a consultation and get an estimate for one of our services.