How to Protect Your Property From Uncontrolled Vegetation Growth

Vegetation Management Marshall VA

While many homeowners are excited to curate the perfect lawn and create a thriving ecosystem, they find doing so can get out of control quickly. For example, overgrowth—of trees, shrubs, and other vegetation—can threaten your yard, cause wildfires, invite invasive species, and disrupt your vegetation’s natural diversity. It is critical to control your vegetation—and vegetation […]

Why Vegetation Management is Key to a Healthy Landscape

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Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) involves a set of practices aimed at conserving and supporting forest environments. This method can protect an individual’s property as well as the forests throughout Virginia. Indeed, consistent services in this vein create safer landscapes and communities for all. Just turn to Timber Works Tree Care for all your professional vegetation […]

April Tip of The Month: Make sure to have your trees inspected for Winter storm damage, broken branches, cracked bark, or any signs of disease or insect infestation. Learn More.