Is Forestry Mulching Good for the Environment?

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Forestry mulching is a way of clearing excess underbrush from your land while also benefiting that landscape in numerous ways. Moreover, this simple process can clear out a large area of your landscape in a short period. Nevertheless, to ensure you get the best results, hire a team of expert forestry mulching professionals who have […]

How Much Does Forestry Mulching Cost?

Jump to Answer Are overgrown trees, brush, or vines compromising your property’s health and value? Professional forestry mulching is a land clearing method that uses a single machine to cut, grind, and clear out unwanted vegetation from a designated area, leaving behind a fine layer of natural mulch. As a one-machine, one-operator method, forestry mulching […]

Benefits of Turning Invasive Species into Mulch

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Virginia is filled with dense forests and thickets, which grow so thick that homeowners and businesses struggle to safely traverse their properties. Furthermore, several invasive plant species have grown so excessively that they are nearly impossible to remove without proper equipment and skills. However, Timber Works Tree Care provides land clearing services for residents in […]

Benefits of Trail Creation with a Forestry Mulcher

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Country-dwellers can enjoy something that most city-folk lack: nature’s calm, undisturbed peace. And how better to do so than a trail through that terrain? If you own wooded land but have no path through it, turn to Timber Works Tree Care for professional forestry mulching.  Based in Northern Virginia, Timber Works expertise, work ethic, and […]

April Tip of The Month: Make sure to have your trees inspected for Winter storm damage, broken branches, cracked bark, or any signs of disease or insect infestation. Learn More.