Why You Should Have Invasive Trees Removed

Tree Removal Service Shenandoah VA

90 invasive tree and plant species have appeared in Virginia, and all threaten the native ecosystems. Whether introduced intentionally or accidentally, invasives—by definition—wreak havoc due to their swift growth, destructive impact on natural habitats, and introduction of foreign pests and diseases. Landowners should educate themselves on the effects of invasive species and contact a certified […]

Virginia Insect & Arthropod Pests: Spider Mites

Local Tree Service Bull Run VA

All of us probably recognize common house spiders. However, property owners should also study their close cousins, the spider mites. Although minute, spider mites can have a disastrous impact on a property and devastate once-healthy plants. So, learn what spider mites are, how to find them, and how to recognize infestations. Then, hire a professional […]

6 Reasons You May Need Emergency Tree Removal

Emergency Tree Removal Prince William County VA

As much as we may appreciate or admire them, trees are vulnerable to damage from many sources. Indeed, given the right circumstances, trees on your property may become hazards and necessitate emergency tree removal services. Possible catalysts for such cases include storm damage, disease, infestation, and overgrown branches or roots. No matter their cause, such […]

The Most Common Causes of Tree Death

Dying Tree Warren County VA

Trees are remarkable in their ability to resist numerous dangers, including high winds and infected soil. Evolution has allowed them to develop strong roots, trunks, and branches to withstand natural elements that threaten them. They also give us oxygen, shelter, soil stability, and sights that live for hundreds of years. However, trees inevitably will die. […]

Virginia Insects & Arthropod Pests: Scale Insects

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The prevalence and illusive nature of scale insects qualify them as a “must-know” among property owners. Indeed, thorough arborists will watch out for scale insects during inspections, as they can devastate trees and plants. Yet learning how to identify scale insects can help you to manage them. You can better recognize when to contact a […]

Land Clearing for Construction Projects

Timber Works data center land clearing

Forested land is valuable for its beauty and its benefits to the environment. Nevertheless, if you have sat on a wooded property or recently purchased one, you must have the land surveyed, cleared, and grubbed before you can build a home or structure. Land clearing provides the foundation for your construction project, making a professional […]

Stump Grinding vs. Stump Removal

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Once a tree is removed from your property, its stump not only remains—it also creates a hazard for everyone crossing the space. You can use stump removal or grinding services to neutralize this danger, though each provides different results for your yard. So, reach out to a local stump grinding and removal company to efficiently […]

Virginia Tree Diseases: Anthracnose

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Of all the tree diseases Virginia property owners should watch out for, anthracnose ranks high. This fungal illness often causes browning, defoliation, dieback, weakness, and even death. Thus, you should check your shade trees regularly for anthracnose. Knowledge about anthracnose and professional tree maintenance services will help keep your trees and property healthy. Timber Works […]

Why You Should Never Try to Remove a Tree Yourself

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Many homeowners prefer to handle standard maintenance projects themselves because it is easier than hiring a professional service person. Doing so makes sense for simple chores: cleaning a kitchen, changing a lightbulb, mowing a lawn, and so on. However, some tasks—including emergency tree removal—necessitate a professional touch due to their inherent danger, risk of property […]

How to Tell if Your Tree is Dying

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Trees manifest definitive signs when they start to decay and after they die. Based on the tree species that live on your property, these symptoms may include dieback, oozing sap, or even mushroom growth near roots. Nevertheless, a tree care and removal company can help you identify infected trees, provide safe and proper care, and […]

May Tip of The Month: With weathers up and downs in May, watch your Oak trees for Sudden Oak Death. Learn More.